3 Quick Ways to Deal with Tiredness as a Student ...

Nov 15, 2021
Studying at university is pretty much like a top sport, and that is often overlooked.
Three quick ways to deal with tiredness as a student:
1. Water
Increase your daily total water intake. For women this is around 2L of water intake needed each single day and for men this is around 2.5L of water each day. This depends very much on the climate and season you are in. Most likely you are cutting yourself a bit short on that part. If that is the case, your body needs to compensate and that causes a strain. Even a small percentage of water shortage will impact cognitive abilities. Thus start drinking at least one extra water bottle (1 - 1.5L) during the whole day on top of your normal routine. Try this out for at least one month.
2. Magnesium
Magnesium is a crucial component in optimal working of enzymes and cellular processes. Under stress and depending on your diet there could be a shortage of magnesium in your system. This feels like tiredness and can feel as cramp in the muscles. Any pharmacy should be able to supply you with magnesium tablets. Try this out for a month.
3. Sleep
As a young adult (and adult) you need about 7 to 9 hours of good sleep. Building up a shortage of sleep over time can be devastating for your studies. Such a shortage impacts your memory, your cognitive abilities, and mental condition. Increasing your actual sleeping hours will do wonders. For some students replenishing the shortage of sleep might take weeks and even months. Several approaches will work here: Stop using caffeine after 3pm, avoiding late or heavy meals in the evening, stop studying at least 1h before going to bed, having fixed times to go to sleep, and reducing viewing screens (tablets, smartphones) before sleep. One simple way of reducing the screen-light of tablets, smartphones, or laptops is by using so called blue-light blocking glasses or blue-light screen filters. Try this out for a month. Keep on respecting your sleep. Treat it as your unique and powerful ally.
To conclude:
(1) Increase water intake during the day,
(2) Start using magnesium tablets, and
(3) Increase the duration and quality of your sleep
... all these 3 are easy approaches to tackle tiredness as a student. You also have full control over these 3 approaches. Take ownership and make it happen.
Make a habit out of these 3 approaches and you will see a massive impact on your wellbeing.

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