There are only 3 Study Methods
Mar 30, 2022There are only 3 study methods used by students at university.
The outcome on exams though is very different.
- The most promoted study method on Instagram and social media gives average results.
- One study method gives negative results (and this comes as a surprise).
- One study method gives superior results in almost all circumstances, but as a method it is hardly covered online.
A research study covering 1600 university students revealed that 3 study methods gets used most of the time by university students:
- The ‘achievement orientated’ approach is the most promoted method on Instagram, as it is about time management, note-keeping, and regular study aimed to go for the best results. Although it is clear method, it has been proven to give average positive study results at university.
- The ‘meaning orientated’ method is about going to the depth of a course, about deep diving in the study material. 20% of the students showed to use this method but it has been shown to be negative correlated with study results. The main reason being that students get lost in the study material itself (often due to a high interest in the study material and therefore they perform very poorly at exams simply because of lack of time and lack of focus during the study itself).
- The third method, the ‘non-reproductive’ method is about understanding the material first, continued by building on that understanding. Research has shown that using this method can increase your probability for success at university by 300% to 500%.
In the Fast Track University ‘Foundation Programme’, Dr. Frédéric Caufrier will show you exactly what you need to do to become this successful student, using his popular and easy to learn ‘Three Pyramids Study System’.
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Every year millions of students start at a university somewhere without any study system in place. The result is that quite a few students are struggling or even failing trying to move forward.
Through the Foundation Programme, you will get in control of your studies, your life and wellbeing. Your time at university should be fun and productive. You deserve that.
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